The production becomes magical whenever the wonderful Friederike Harmsen intervenes; it couldn't be more post-dramatic, more breathtaking, more fascinating.
The performance generates great suggestive power. The terrorist leader’s speeches are chanted to the rhythm of the arias, interrupted as well as accompanied by the truly divine voice of soprano singer Friederike Harmsen. (RBB kulturradio)
When Friederike Harmsen, in the midst of this festival of chaos and makeshift solutions, prays a Hail Mary in her wonderful soprano voice – that’s when you understand there’s something special about the Helmi. (Neue Presse)
The way Friederike Harmsen smiles whilst talking about her daughter, who plays for Türkiyemspor, and how she herself rather avoids “those people”, is simply brilliant. (Berliner Zeitung)

Faust Marathon Salzburg Festival Thalia Theater Hamburg